Capital Gearing Trust
A Trust that belongs in any portfolio

CGAM Q1 Investor Update Presentation Slides
The slides shown during the Q1 Investor Update Webinar
CGAM Q1 Investor Update Webinar
A review of Q1 and an outlook for the rest of the year

Alastair Laing Speaks to the Numis Conference
A meander through the history of asset prices and inflation
CGAM Annual Review Webinar
2021 Review and 2022 Outlook

Biggest risks to markets in 2022
Peter talks with Interactive Investor about the prospects for sustainable high inflation, interest rate rises and gold vs TIPs

The secrets to outperformance
Peter talks with Interactive Investor about the extraordinary 39 year track record of Capital Gearing Trust

Inflation: Here to stay?
Peter discusses long term track records and inflation outlook with Vermeer Partners

Capital Gearing Trust; universal appeal to Investors
How a cautious approach to investing has paid off for Capital Gearing Trust

CGAM Stewardship Report 2021
Included within our foundational documents are the three principles that have guided us